Chelsea Strange

An aerial view of a water treatment plant


Supporting Sustainable Water and Environmental Conservation Efforts in Jordan

Young man in the street market in Egypt


Boosting Egyptian Economic Growth and Employment by Supporting Businesses

Macedonia flag flying above a town with sea to the right and mountains in the background


Strengthening Advocacy and Citizen Participation in Judiciary Reform in Macedonia

Baghdad Iraq pinned on a world map


Improving Organizational Development Practices and Capacity Building in Iraq

Panoramic view of Lahore, Pakistan


Enhancing Women’s Economic Participation in Pakistan Through Capacity Building

Male trainer looking at training participants who are looking at the screen at the front of the room


Developed Capacity of USAID/Ethiopia Local Implementing Partners

Group of learners showcasing their school supplies


Enhanced Literacy and Numeracy Proficiency Among Girls in Liberia Exiting School Due to Pregnancy

A woman picking tea leaves in a field


Improving Global Water Sustainability and Boosting Food Security

Girl holding picture frame and smiling with eyes closed


Creating a Movie on Health Issues Affecting Girls and Young Women in Zimbabwe

The large Palestinian flag is waiving above the city with tall buildings in the background


Enhancing Public Administration and Civil Service in Palestine

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