Chelsea Strange

The landscape showing colorful houses


Evaluating the Konbit Cooperative Agreement

A group of engineers installing solar panels


Palestine Energy Project

A busy and crowdy market with buildings and people moving around


Facilitating Export of Smart Urban Solutions to India by Reverse Trade Missions

Flag of Jordan placed on top of the with currency


Improving Sub-National Fiscal Management in Jordan Through Innovative Solutions

People sitting in rows of chairs at a conference


Expanding People-to-People Engagement through Capacity Building in Pakistan

Flag of Jordan with a city view


Providing Capacity Building to Support the USAID Rule of Law Program in Jordan

Panoramic view of city with many buildings


Improving Pakistan’s International Trade Competitiveness Via Capacity Development

A person in a white lab coat is looking through a microscope


Supported Set Up of Ebola Unit of USAID Global Development Lab

Hand pressing a key on a laptop and file and folders displayed in front of laptop screen


Supporting the USAID Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention

A group of people scattered across a field in a commercial area, next to a busy street


Advancing Early Reading and Mathematics in Jordan’s Public Schools

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