Team Members

Headshot of Sofia Gurgenidze

Georgia Human and Institutional Capacity Development Activity

Sofia Gurgenidze

Headshot of Irakli Chogovadze

Georgia Human and Institutional Capacity Development Activity

Irakli Chogovadze

Headshot of Halidou Mamadou Mamoudou

Development Food Security Activity (Wadata)

Halidou Mamadou Mamoudou

Headshot of Tawfiq Zada

Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Tawfiq Zada

Headshot of Jakleen Kirreh

Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Jakleen Kirreh

Headshot of Mohamad Al Dwekat

Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Mohamad Al Dwekat

Headshot of Mahmoud Heraz

Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Mahmoud Heraz

Headshot of Lisa Masannat

Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Lisa Masannat

Headshot of Rasha Al Osta

Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Rasha Al-Osta

Headshot of Hanoof Abu Arja

Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Hanoof Abu Arja

Headshot of Tawfiq Zada
Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Tawfiq Zada

Headshot of Mahmoud Heraz
Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Mahmoud Heraz

Headshot of Lisa Masannat
Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Lisa Masannat

Headshot of Rasha Al Osta
Jordan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (MELA)

Rasha Al-Osta

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