
Advancing Climate Smart Agriculture in Pakistan

Project team standing on read carpet in front of project banner

Under the Pakistan Climate Smart Agriculture Activity (CSA), Kaizen collaborates with the private sector, civil society, technology firms, and government stakeholders in advancing climate smart agriculture to strengthen climate resilience, agricultural productivity, and marginalized groups’ economic participation.

Pakistan’s agriculture sector— the primary employer in the rural economy and a vital role in national food security— is still facing challenges of low productivity, underinvestment, unfavorable policies, weak value chains, post-harvest losses, and increasing water stress. Kaizen, on behalf of Tetra Tech, implements the USAID Pakistan Climate Smart Agriculture Activity to build resilience within farming communities by promoting the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices and technologies. This activity is part of the U.S.-Pakistan “Green Alliance” framework aimed at fostering bilateral cooperation to address climate, environmental, and economic challenges.


  • Improved Farmers’ adoption of climate smart agriculture management practices and technologies. 
  • Increased use of Digital Platforms (DP) for information, knowledge and services. 
  • Enhanced support to technology firms and innovations in developing climate smart agriculture technologies and greater adoption by farming communities. 
  • Enhanced Business Enabling Environment through private sector-led policy and regulatory reform initiatives to encourage investment and promote climate smart agriculture. 

We will focus on better farming practices and technology; new digital tools; and assistance with business models, financing, and international connections. These programs will improve crop yield while helping the environment – and putting more money in farmers’ pockets.  Together, we’re planting the seeds of success.

Donald Blome, United States Ambassador to Pakistan

In Pakistan, farmers face challenges of limited access to finance, lack of awareness about new seed varieties, and unavailability of information on climate smart technologies and practices. By partnering with the private sector, civil society, technology firms, and government stakeholders, this activity aims to improve the accessibility and adoption of climate smart agriculture management practices and technologies. Activities will be implemented in a context-sensitive manner to promote increased agricultural productivity; higher resilience to climate change; and economic participation and greater incomes of socially marginalized groups, women, and girls at different stages of agricultural production and processing. By increasing agricultural productivity and incomes sustainably, the activity aligns with USAID’s goals of inclusive economic growth, gender equity, and environmental stewardship.

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Digital platforms, capacity building, knowledge sharing networks, economic growth, technology adoption

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