
Palestine Energy Project

A group of engineers installing solar panels

Focused leading a human and institutional capacity building to drive renewable energy adoption in Palestine.

As part of the USAID-funded Palestinian Energy Project (PEP), Kaizen, worked with prime implementer AECOM to promote greater energy independence in the West Bank. With PEP, USAID encouraged more renewable energy production and consumption in Palestine to improve the reliability of electricity services in the territory.


  • Provided trainings in delivery and performance of renewable energy systems
  • Identified four root causes of challenges to PERC operations
  • Implemented cost-effective loss-reduction strategies among electrical companies

The Palestinian Authority launched several reforms to respond to its dependence on foreign energy, including creation of the Palestinian Energy and National Resources Authority, Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Council (PERC), and Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company (PETL). The technical capacities of these entities remained weak, however, which threatened public confidence. To improve the reliability of electricity services, Kaizen drew on its success working on a previous USAID-funded Palestinian project to improve the performance and service quality of Palestine’s energy sector. This strategy was an integrated human and institutional capacity building (HICD) approach to engage the private sector, service providers, and financial institutions and strengthen their organizational capacity.

For PEP, Kaizen assisted PERC and PETL in developing and implementing sustainable HICD plans and providing renewable energy training. The team also used HICD methodology to strengthen commercial operations and develop and implement cost-effective and sustainable loss-reduction strategies among select electricity distribution companies. Additionally, Kaizen used an “HICD-lite” approach with “second tier” providers to strengthen their technical and business knowledge and improve delivery and performance of renewable energy systems.

At a glance






West Bank


Organizational development, energy

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