Kaizen worked with the Department of Health, Sindh, and the Health Services Academy in Pakistan to build financial management and cross-cutting organizational capacity.
USAID/Pakistan provided direct financial support to the Government of Pakistan to enhance the activities and reach of two key organizations in the health sector: its first degree-awarding institute of public health sciences, the Health Services Academy (HSA); and the Department of Health, Sindh (DOHS). As part of this government-to-government support project, the Agency conducted organizational assessments of each institution to identify capacity gaps that could cause fiduciary risk or hamper the effectiveness of assistance funding. The findings led USAID to provide technical support and resources to bridge capacity gaps.
- Filled staffing gaps in various financial and audit areas
- Created manuals, standard operating procedures, and trainings
- Helped organizations prepare annual procurement plans
- Developed organogram with job descriptions and trained human resources staff
The manuals and standard operating procedures developed by the Kaizen Company, along with training and hand holding and continuous review of financial invoices and financial reports, helped the DOHS team comply with USAID and Government of Sindh requirements
Project Director, Department of Health, Sindh
The Pakistan Capacity Development Services Task Order 3—the Financial Management and Capacity Building Services program—was created to strengthen systems, create policies and standard operating procedures, improve information technology systems, foster staff skills, and incorporate gender considerations within HSA and DOHS. This would mitigate fiduciary risks, improve the outcome of government-to-government support, and enhance the capacity of HSA and DOHS to absorb further donor support. The Kaizen team focused on building staff and institutional capacity in financial management, internal auditing procedures, procurement, reporting, monitoring and evaluation, and other areas that would enable HSA and DOHS to spend resources and achieve development objectives transparently and effectively.
Kaizen conducted baseline surveys and gap analyses to understand the needs of HSA and DOHS; developed a plan that included targets and objectives; provided tailored support according to the plan and timeline; collected lessons learned from implementation; and applied those lessons to adapt and improve future activities. The team supplemented this adaptive management approach with rapid reaction in several key urgent areas—such as procurement and financial management support—to enable the HSA and DOHS projects to immediately accelerate progress.
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