Knowledge Sharing Networks

Baghdad Iraq pinned on a world map


Improving Organizational Development Practices and Capacity Building in Iraq

Male trainer looking at training participants who are looking at the screen at the front of the room


Developed Capacity of USAID/Ethiopia Local Implementing Partners

Girl holding picture frame and smiling with eyes closed


Creating a Movie on Health Issues Affecting Girls and Young Women in Zimbabwe

Sanitation worker putting trash into the trash truck


Strengthening Capacity of Local Governments Across Iraq

Flag of North American and Caribbean countries in a semi-circle and blowing in the wind


Implementing Effective Public Financial Management Tools

Participants taking part in a training


Developing a Community of Practice for Climate-Change-Adaptation Financing

Police car with red and blue lights flashing


Establishing and Maintaining the Global Law Enforcement Community of Practice

Panoramic view of city with many buildings


Improving Pakistan’s International Trade Competitiveness Via Capacity Development

Hand pressing a key on a laptop and file and folders displayed in front of laptop screen


Supporting the USAID Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention

A group of students in a classroom with their hands up


Empowering Youth to Communicate with Community Leaders and Policymakers

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