
Little boy solving math problem on the chalkboard in classroom
Little boy solving math problem on the chalkboard in classroom

Strong education systems are vital to alleviating poverty and laying the foundation for economic growth—allowing the next generation the opportunity to thrive.

As education systems around the world are evolving, the way they are managed and sustained is evolving, too.

Kaizen recognizes the important role local partners—from government ministries to schools themselves—play in advancing effective education systems to deliver for students.

Our organizational development team is well-versed in supporting the continuous improvement of educational organizations around the world, including primary schools, vocational training entities, universities, and education nonprofit organizations. Kaizen’s approaches also apply technology to reinforce learning outcomes and broaden youth engagement.

As part of Tetra Tech, Kaizen leverages a broader, global bench of expertise in delivering education services to our clients and the communities we serve.

Connect with us. Reach out to our experts.

Our education projects

Panoramic view of city in Jordan


Preparing Future Teachers in Jordan

Student and teacher engage in class discussions


Enhancing School Management and Planning in Jordan

Students enthusiastically engaging in the classroom.


Providing Support to School Administrators In Haiti

Male trainer looking at training participants who are looking at the screen at the front of the room


Developed Capacity of USAID/Ethiopia Local Implementing Partners

Group of learners showcasing their school supplies


Enhanced Literacy and Numeracy Proficiency Among Girls in Liberia Exiting School Due to Pregnancy

Sanitation worker putting trash into the trash truck


Strengthening Capacity of Local Governments Across Iraq

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